International Workshop on Microwave & Emerging Wireless Technologies
This workshop is a research meeting opened to all academic, researchers, professional and students, to discuss innovative ideas and diverse topics on Microwave & Emerging Wireless Technologies. The workshop aims to offer the opportunity for researchers and practitioners to exchange issues, challenges, new technologies and solutions.
- Electromagnetic theory
- Systems and components, electromagnetic compatibility
- Transmission lines and waveguides
- Resonators, filters, interconnects, packaging, MMIC
- Antenna theory, reflectarray and feed subsystems
- RF circuits & devices for wireless communication
- Microsystems, electronic failures and reliability
- RFID technology: design & applications
- Power electronics, superconducting devices
- Nanoscale electromagnetics, metamaterials, MEMS
- Radar sounding of atmosphere, ionospheric propagation
- Microwave remote sensing and polarimetry, SAR
- Electromagnetic signal processing, wavelets, neural network
- Microwave photonics, THz technology
- Biophotonics, optical sensors and environmental monitoring
- Radio over fiber and fiber-based devices
- Optoelectronic devices and integration
- Embedded wireless systems
- 3G, 4G and beyond
- Digital mobile & wireless communications
- Wireless technologies: UWB, Bluetooth, WiFi, WiMax…
- Cognitive radio & software defined radio technologies
- Vehicular Ad Hoc networks
- Wireless sensor networks: technologies and applications
Keynote Talk
Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting (Prof. Mohamed Latrach, ESEO Angers, France)
Waveguide Subsystems for Antenna Feed (Prof. Angel Mediavilla, University of Cantabria, Spain)
Metamaterials for Optical Waveguide Structure Sensors: Review (Prof. Mohammad M. Shabat, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestinian Authority)
Technical Program Committee
Hassan Ammor, EMI-Mohammed V University, Morocco
Abdelmajid Badri, ENSAM-Casablanca, Morocco
Rim Barrak, SUP’COM, Tunisia
Lynda Bazi-Cherbi, University of Bab Ezzouar, Algeria
Hassan Berbia, ENSIAS, Morocco
Mohammed Boulmalf, UIR Rabat,Morocco
Ahmed Boutejdar, University of Magdeburg,
Germany Mouloud Challal, University of Boumerdes, Algeria
Fethi Choubani, SUP’COM, Tunisia
Pascal Dherbécourt, Rouen University, France
Ali El Moussati, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Khalid Faitah, ENSA Marrakech, Morocco
Angel Vegas Garcia, DICOM Santander, Spain
Fayrouz Haddad, Polytech’Marseille, France
Mohamed Latrach, ESEO Angers, France
Olivier Latry, Rouen University, France
Alicia Casanueva Lopez, DICOM Santander, Spain
Rachid Malek, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Mourad Mnif, SUP’COM, Tunisia
Abdellah Najid, INPT Rabat, Morroco
Youssef Néji, SUP’COM, Tunisia
Lotfi Osman, SUP’COM, Tunisia
Hassan Ouahmane, ENSA El Jadida, Morocco
Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Polytech’Marseille, France
Ahmed Rhallabi, Polytech’Nantes, France
Fatima Riouch, INPT Rabat, Morocco
Ana María Grande Sáez, Valladolid University, Spain
Angel Mediavilla Sanchez, DICOM Santander, Spain
Luay H. Tahat, GUST, Kuwait
Antonio Tazon Puente, DICOM Santander, Spain
Farid Temcamani, ENSEA Cergy-Pontoise, France
Jaouad Terhzaz, CRMEF-Casablanca, Morocco
Mohamed Lamine Tounsi, University of Bab Ezzouar, Algeria
Organizing Committee
Larbi El Abdellaoui, FST Settat, Morocco
Ali El Moussati, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Ahmed El Oualkadi, ENSA Tangier, Morocco
Abdelwahed Tribak, INPT Rabat,
Morocco Jamal Zbitou, FPK, UH1, Morocco
Paper submissions
In the framework of this workshop, prospective authors are invited to submit their paper. The papers must describe original results on the proposed topics for consideration by the Technical Program Committee. Papers should be submitted in a PDF format. Fax submissions cannot be accepted. All accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE Digital Library. Selected papers from those presented in this workshop will be published in special issues of international journals. Click here to go to submission page.
Jamal Zbitou email: Phone: +212 601 842 981